Shandong Huge Dental Material Corporation
Shandong Huge Dental Material Corporation

Proseal F Enamel Coating Resin

Used to cover the enamel surface of the enamel, which is used to prevent caries, inhibit caries, or eliminate the suspected natural caries or the loss of the early tooth enamel.

  • dental bonding for enamel loss
  • dental bonding for enamel loss

Proseal F Enamel Coating Resin Packaging


1.5g*1 Syringe

10 Dispensing tips

Shelf Life

3 Years

  • Indications

    • Deep pits and fissures on the occlusal surface, buccal surface and lingual or palatal surface, especially where a probe can be inserted or stuck (including suspected caries); 

    • The contralateral tooth has caries or tends to caries; 

    • Tooth eruption reaches the occlusal surface or the pits and fissures on the crown surface are completely exposed in the oral cavity.

  • Advantages

    • Sustained release of fluoride ions can prevent the occurrence of secondary caries. 

    • It shows pink before curing, and opaque white after curing. 

    • High bonding strength and flexural strength 

    • A large amount of fluorine, long-term caries prophylaxis 

    • Little pungent odor

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